How To Install Travertine Pavers?
Travertine pavers are pretty simple to install whether you are installing your driveway, walkway or patio. Travertine pavers can make your yard look its very best. Pavers are long-lasting and you can customize their design. You can create a design that is simple or you can create a very complicated design according to your tastes or desires. It will take you some time and the pavers are heavy, but you can save money by installing them yourself. In order to get started installing your travertine pavers, you need to write out a clear plan. You will want to measure your project area very carefully. You will want to draw out exactly how you want your project to look. You will probably want multiple copies of your drawing. You will want to plan in advance for drainage so that any rain or water has a place to go. This will create a more safe and long-lasting environment for your pavers. So grab a pencil and begin making your design. You want the pavers to slope away from your house and any other buildings you have surrounding your area. This will help you avoid having water drain toward your house and creating an environment that is less likely to cause flooding in your house. You will want to watch very closely which direction any water will flow. You will want a very slight slop with the pavers. Usually 1/8" per foot is a good starting point. This will allow your drainage to flow out but will not be noticeable to the casual observer.